Sunday, September 28, 2014

How fast relationships are use to built !

       It's always kept wonder how sometimes relationships are so fast use to be built .
I was at Taipei Taiwan for 64th IFMSA (International Federation of Medical Student Organization) GA (General Assemble) , on that day were the Pre GA workshops Opening Ceremony taking place after long trips we have all took from our home country to be joining the biggest annual Medical Students gathering from all over the universe .
 Accidentally we were 8 Muslim people from different countries  Sudan , Zambia , Egypt , Oman , UAE and Irag searching for Halal table to be seated for dinner , we never knew each before that moment . Then we took  seats and started to introduce to each other , at that moment I really felt I know those people since years as if we were best friends ever , no shyness no boarders , simply we were so comfort that we have found each others, But the funny things yet to happen when we discovered that we have been seated in a vegetarians table , and we couldn't change it after because all the tables were full .
Then foods started to be served by the awesome Taiwanese , a food I swear non of us have taste it before but we have decided to accept the challenge and make a good experience out of it .
I still remember how Rashad my friend from UAE & Naeem from Zambia were competing on who gonna eat this and that , taste this and that and we have drunk an unknown soup that I cant forget how it taste till today.
And cant either forgot how Meitha my 2nd friend  from UAE ate nothing that night and kept her self hungry nor Hiba, Maria, Esra when have stopped eating after a while , but all over that it was the best gathering have ever had we kept our self laughing and joking , and meet lots of friends old & new ones .
By this the first night was over and we all backed , checked in hotel preparing for the next day of the 1st PreGA workshops with high expectations , passion and motivations to meet and know new peoples .
that night got me more and more connected to IFMSA , and discover that it always give you the chance to know , experience , do many things you have never even thought you will experienced in your life , that why am always thankful for.
   And it will always keeps me , you and every one wonder how relationships sometimes are easy use to be build from no where , no time , no even previous backgrounds you will discover that your soul,heart are so connected to people you have just met , they have just crash and took place in your heart and that is why am always saying :-
           your heart will never be one piece when you decide to be around the globe 
because every one you have met during your trips will take part of it , and your tears will become so near just waiting the perfect trigger.  

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